My Work

Over the course of a my studies, I have had the incredible opportunity to work on multiple projects at once that excite me and inspire me.

Dipping into UX/UI research and design, entrepreneurship, creativity, design thinking, and web/mobile development, I have been able to pursue many passions and learn about so many more. I have been able to unlock more knowledge than I ever thought was possible.

I hope a glimpse into this world not only educates you on these experiences but also excites you about the possibility of more.

The Met: Usability Testing Link

The MET: Usability Testing

Fall 2023

A dive into the navigation and use of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Website. This report includes findings and recommendations based on the Usability Test.

Bliss: Usability Testing

Fall 2023

The Bliss website was contrasted with industry competitors to provide a unique look into what consumers deem necessary in an e-commerce site.

Bliss: Usability Testing Link
The Met: Usability Testing Link

e.l.f. Cosmetics: Marketing Strategy

Fall 2023

Take a look at this marketing strategy analysis using statistics from offline and online best practices and competitor comparisons to benchmark this e-commerce beauty website.

Ethico: Entrepreneurial Venture

Fall 2023

Problem-solving. Team collaboration. Market research and validation testing. This piece showcases a collaborative effort on issues occurring in international trade and chocolate production.

Bliss: Usability Testing Link
The Met: Usability Testing Link

Poster Iterations and Adaptations: Practice and Play

Varying Times

This is a representation of my willingness to try, to fail, and to learn. These represent parts of me and my life. Take a look.

Chipotle: Marketing Campaign

Spring 2023

Using social media audits and the analysis of industry trends, I developed this marketing campaign.

Bliss: Usability Testing Link